Gentle Treatment for Fast Relief
Systematic Kinesiology sees health from a whole person perspective involving the Structural, Nutritional, Emotional and Energetic systems of the body. This unique approach can help with more than 80% of all annoying health problems that people just put up with. They may have already sought medical help have but not yet found a lasting solution. I use Kinesiology and Quantum Alignment Technique to get to the root-cause instead of just managing symptoms. People who have suffered with on-going muscule or joint pain will often find an improvement during the first treatment session. Stress is a huge factor in chronic pain, indigestion, skin irritation and even recurring infections. After Kinesiology treatment people report feeling less stressed and more relaxed. Systematic Kinesiology and Quantum Alingment Technique are gentle yet very powerful ways of working with the body. My aim is to help people feel better as quickly as possible.
Patricia Kearns
Systematic Kinesiologist
Back, Knee, Neck & Shoulder pain
Do you have on-going or regular joint pain which has been put down to “age” or “wear and tear”? If so then help is at hand. Systematic Kinesiology is very good at resolving pain by working with the whole body rather that just the painful area. Releasing neck and jaw muscles often helps lower back and hip pain. This is a gentle hands-on therapy where the client lies fully clothed on a comfortable plinth. A course of three sessions is recommended but many people find significant improvement after the first or second session.
Old Injuries
Do you suffer from muscle pain or stiffness that gets worse after exertion or repetitive movements. This may be due to past accidents or injuries which happened months or many years ago. The memory of old injuries can be stored within the body. Just before impact several muscles contract to protect the brain and vital organs. These usually release and rebalance as the body heals but not always. I use specific muscle reset techniques from Kinesiology to quickly ease pain and restore flexibility throughout the body.
Allergies, Detox & Food Intolerance
Do you get frequent cramping pains, abdominal bloating or skin rashes yet medical tests come back completely normal? If so you may have a food intolerance or sensitivity. Kinesiology muscle testing is a quick and easy way to find out which food item is best avoided. I do not suggest that clients cut out a long list of foods and reintroduce them one by one. This is generally unnecessary and very time consuming. People may also be sensitive to artificial chemicals, heavy metals, moulds, pollens or pet-hair. This can be the hidden cause of recurring coughs, sinus, headaches, skin irritation, sneezing etc. Heavy metals such as Mercury, Aluminium, Graphene Oxide, Cadmium or Lead can interfere with absorbtion of essential nutrients leading to constant tiredness. A Kinesiology detox session is gentle and easy on the body and no additional supplements or chelators are needed. Most people feel the benefit within a few days.
Success Stories
Kinesiology helped my Back pain and Sciatica
What a great job you did…for past 2 years on painkillers after only 3 sessions I haven’t taken one in weeks. Well worth giving it a try. ..thanks a million Patricia
Linda – Sligo
Kinesiology helped with my old Injuries
I had a number of treatments for multiple fractures and old injuries that made my body asymmetrical and received great relief and increased energy. Even managed to re-engage an atrophied muscle and settle my small intestine. Was very happy with both the level of knowledge the ability to answer my questions. I recommend it
Tina – Leitrim
Kinesiology helped with my Knee pain and Cellulitis
I have suffered from painful knees for most of my life and as an example I was not able to kneel in a church without chronic pain and heat in my knees afterwards. Driving long journeys was also very unpleasant. The biggest issue for me in regards to the knees was the fact that it prevented me from enjoying the horse riding that I love. Over a number of months I had regular sessions with Patricia and I was delighted with the results. Both my knees have vastly improved and I can now enjoy long treks on the horse with little to no pain.
Since 2011 I have suffered from cellulitis in my left lower leg. I had about 10 bouts of it including 2 stays in hospital on drips with a temperature of 104 degrees. The medical profession could only offer me antibiotics every time and after a 3 year wait to see a dermatologist I was simply told that it sometimes happens that a person can get recurring bouts of cellulitis and there was nothing more that could be done. I was having a very painful bout every 3 to 6 months and it was already resistant to one of the antibiotics I had been using. Part of the service Patricia offers is testing if various types of nutritional support would help with a certain condition. I am not going to deny I was very sceptical as I felt nothing could be done, however the results have amazed and delighted me too. I am taking the supplement she recommended every day and have been free of cellulitis for over a year and I feel great. Each person is different so I am not mentioning the particular supplement I take because another person with the same condition could require something else to help them. My life has been transformed by not having bouts of cellulitis anymore and simple things like being able to wear shorts, a skirt or dress have once again been possible as I am no longer embarrassed by the look of my leg. The pain is completely gone and the mark on my leg is barely visible anymore.
Maura – Sligo
Kinesiology helped my Skin Rash
Hi I haven’t drank milk since I saw you 6 weeks ago and my skin is perfect! Can’t believe it!
NIkky – Sligo
Find out more.....
I trained as a Systematic Kinesiologist because I personally found this was the only therapy that got to the root cause of my chronic back pain. It also fixed an old shoulder injury and resolved cramps and pains I had due to food intolerance. I was so impressed with my own results that I felt a strong desire to bring this therapy to other people. A treatment session takes one hour and costs €70. I highly recommend a course of three sessions for best results.
To book an appointment please call/text: 086-8138963 or email: sligokin@pm.me
Patricia Kearns