My name is Patricia Kearns and my health has improved dramatically since I discovered a powerful whole body therapy called Systematic Kinesiology. It helped me solve chronic lower back pain that I had for nearly thirty years. I got relief from a long standing painful shoulder. I also discovered the reason why I was getting uncomfortable cramps and bloating after meals. I now feel more flexible and have more energy than ever before. I was so impressed by this therapy that I went on to study and qualify as a Systematic Kinesiologist. I am now helping people to get out of pain and enjoy live to the full again.
My first career was something completely different, I was a full-time sheep farmer for almost ten years. This involved lots of lifting, carrying, pulling and dragging. I enjoyed being outdoors and working with animals but I found the work physically challenging. During this time I became interested in aviation and learned to fly and gained my Private Pilot’s Licence. This led me to a career as an Air Traffic Controller at Sligo Airport. In 2011 as a result of the recession my working hours at the airport were reduced which gave me the opportunity to train in a new line of business. I did a few courses ranging from webdesign to dog training which I enjoyed very much. I always had a keen interest in natural health therapy and I was looking for a qualification in this area. Finally after much research I found the course for me Diploma in Systematic Kinesiology.
From my early twenties I suffered from bouts of lower back pain. This started when I fell off a pony and gradually got worse due to the heavy physical work involved with farming. Over the years I attended a variety of therapists to help keep my back pain under control. I also did pilates, swimming and lots of walking. While treatments and exercise kept the acute pain at bay my lower back always felt stiff or weak and I had to mind it constantly. If I didn’t it would flare up to acute pain and I would be out of action for days or even weeks at a time. The worst part was I would be bent over to one side. I couldn’t walk properly and I felt very self-conscious. My back pain and the fear of it happening affected my life for years. My biggest concern on my wedding day wasn’t the dress, the hairstyle or the makeup. No it was that my back would “go out” and I wouldn’t be able to walk up the aisle straight. Roll on ten years later and we almost had to cancel a holiday abroad because I hurt my back pulling weeds in the garden.
It was at this point I made the decision that I had to do something about this myself I did not want to continue relying on others to get me out of pain. I did some serious research online and came across the website Kinesiology Zone. Here they spoke about getting to the root of chronic pain so I decided this was definitely worth a try. I enrolled on the next available course run locally. This was the best decision I ever made for my health and well-being. I discovered that my back problem was mainly due to muscles on one side of the body that weren’t working properly. I got it fixed and learned how to maintain it myself. My shoulder pain went away when we worked on some neck muscles. I soon discovered that my uncomfortable digestive symptoms were mainly due to wheat sensitivity.
I continued my studies to advanced Diploma level and set up my own business Sligo Kinesiology in October 2017. What I really love about this therapy is that it is gentle non-invasive and scientific. My background in aviation helped me understand the theory behind Systematic Kinesiology. It works on a very logical step by step basis where everything is checked and re-checked. I have seen clients who have had chronic pain for years improve dramatically over the course of two or three sessions. What is even better they are able to maintain this using simple self-help techniques at home. I really love being able to make a positive difference in people’s lives.
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